Does the spearhead "culling system" need removed a -
03-01-2003, 04:25 PM
The amount of glitches introduced with this culling system is nothing short of ridiculous. Earler i was playing a game and getting sniped left and right by one guy, it turns out because he was partially standing behind a piece of barbed wire his character model wasn't being drawn so he was basically invisible untill you were right on top of him.
Other glitches include sometimes u lean round a corner and see no-one only to be greeted by 4 or so enemies charging at you because they were partially behind a wall and weren't being drawn.
Sometimes even walking round a corner will cause a kinda "Popup" effect there will be no-one there and all of a sudden a character pops into view and riddles ya as you couldn't see him.
This "culling system" was obviously introduced to increase performance, it basially works with the theory of "what you can't see the engine doesn't draw" so it should increase performance. Unfortunately in practice it needs tweaked heaily or removed alltogether as it cause more problems than enough.
Originally Posted by Nyck
But one of her fucking grandkids, pookie, rayray or lil-nub was probably slanging weed or rocks out of the house.