01-09-2002, 05:04 AM
"the stg44 and the bar were both good weapons, but stg has a bigger magazine, but is heaver is far as i know."
Nope your wrong There m8
BAR- weighs 8.8kg(19.4lb)
Stg44- weighs 5.2kg(11.5lb)[this bugs me in the CPR mod-i.e you should move faster]
And also the stg44 was not a MG but an "Assault Rifle". This weapon is the baby that gave birth to todays assault rifle.
The MG42 gave birth to the M60
Germany in all had the more advanced weapons ,yeah the USA had the advanced rifle i.e the garand but the germans were way ahead with the "Sturmgewehr 44"
The BAR was a relic from the Great war but still a good support weapon[Pity they didn't include in the game the two rates of fire]
Grenades- these weapons were used not as "gib" weapons, but more of a shock and maiming weapon i think these weapons are Ott i also really think they should do around 50 damage max - it would be good if grenades stunned the enemy more instantly kill them.
People have mentioned before about balancing weapons - so they are all fair- NO NO war is NOT fair some weapons have advantages over others but it comes down to the individual soldier [and player ]to use that weapon in a way it was intended for- Assault, support etc. did you think the Germans called the yanks "lamers" for using a Garand because it fired faster and the us Brits for having a TEN round magazine in the "Enfield"- i can see now why they didnt include the "Gewehr43 as the axis sniper weapons because ALL the yanks would moaned about it having TEN rounds and was semi-auto.