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Re: lmfao!!
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Default Re: lmfao!! - 03-02-2003, 03:44 PM

Originally Posted by Clubber
Haha you fucking no0b that would be my server! First off I run Delator on my server and don't allow forced models. Yes i have some really good members who practice very hard. Just because you came and got owned that don't mean we cheat asshole! I don't go to work 40 hours a week and freeze my ass off building houses just to pay for a server to cheat on! Btw ------->
I am with you here bro.
it seems whenever someone sucks they always cry "cheat"

BTW. a friendly suggestion: you may want to increase the nades for the Russian rifleman. This game takes place in 44-45, by those years the USSR had guns and ammo up the wazoo, they didn't have enough heavy weapons in early war only.