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Default 03-02-2003, 08:34 PM

Well I just came back here today thinking that was going to be reborn, after the huge news of two new MoH games coming out. AND a new PC title in development as well, which put an end to months of rumors. However this was a far cry from what I was witness to. Instead of people cheering and celebrating about the new games, the first reply I see is "Fuck EA"

Ok, honestly WTF!? I have never been a fan of EA, in fact I conisder them to be the corporate scum bag of the gaming industry. However making ***3*** new MoH games, when WWII/FPS are dead, does NOT warrante a "Fuck EA" statment!!! Omg...

And then the warez comments... What the hell has happened to the integrity of Has the staff degraded so rapidily that these selfish Nazi of gamers are allowed to roam freely without the risk of getting banned for actions and comments? Come on! These people are killing the games for the honset players. Yes killing; increasing prices, lowering the length of games and even limiting the amount of PA, support and even updates and patches.

This is a great time for MoH fans! 3 new games!! 3!! And all you people can think about is how you can bitch it out!?! What the HELL has happened to this once great forums borad!?
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