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thanks.. Nstuff Lavasoft...
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Default thanks.. Nstuff Lavasoft... - 03-02-2003, 09:38 PM

sorry.. forgot to finish my original post.. Thank you Nstuff..

first off.. the gator install is not becuase I once had gator installed.. it can come up to any persons computer clean or not in the form a popop that tries to install it..

Second.. Im trying to give you guys a heads up no need for flames.. its not to fun when gator grabs hold of your coputer and hijacks your bandwith.. and Gator is not OFICIALY called a virus because it uses pop up but it is by all accounts a virus..]

Third. lavasoft as Nstuff posted is what will clean it NOT any regular virus scan software.. Seeing how allied assualt popups tryto install spyware its good to know about it.. either a popop blocker or run adaware periodically..

Fourth I know someone has to pay the bills.. I run my own site for MOH with my own out of pocket costs so understand .. just giving a heads up on a nast lil side effect that goes with the turf..
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