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JezusChr7st is Offline
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Default 01-07-2002, 10:57 AM

well hello again everyone,

we (myself) [3rd ID] Scott, and Ceskins... are proud to bring you the updated and second version of our Medal Of Honor Co-op Mod.

Now, there have been a few changes... we have added a little here, fixed this and that... and overall made it just that much better.

first, we tried to fix many of the bugs everyone was reporting, so you will now find it a much smoother ride... and very few annoying bugs... (we hope)

we, have also added a few custom player models for you guys to have fun with...

the bazooka, and the shotgun should both have all the sounds now, i dont know if this was mentioned before.

as well as the tank, doesnt shoot still, but it is possible to blow it up, for fun i guess

alas, we cant make the plane sound when it fly's by to drop the bomb... it appears 2015 forgot to add the flyby sound, as well as the model for the bomb... so neither will work

but i did force it to use the proper plane model, instead of an outdated and lower model.

let me see what else, we have to give out big props to:

Limit from - he sacrificed his server!

Mixer, from - for posting us and getting us over 3,000 downloads!

Polemarcher - man, you gave us bandwith! precious bandwith, you da man

DfyAnt - man, without that channel it would be hard to get the word out

BzErK, thanks for hanging, and chatting man... and the support

And, im sorry guys, im at a loss as to who else to thank, everyone on and #alliedassault.

such great feedback so far, we are sure to surprise you guys once the fullversion comes out.

and well, lets thanks the developers at 2015 for making this code in the first place.

three cheers

ps: usual places to get this mod, #alliedassault channel (once it gets back up)


[3rd ID] Scott


[This message has been edited by JezusChr7st (edited January 07, 2002).]

[This message has been edited by JezusChr7st (edited January 08, 2002).]
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