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Default 03-03-2003, 07:28 AM

Just a couple of questions, don't over analyse what I say... you'll see through it like Grandma's underpants...

Are the Kurds defined as 'Saddam's people', because they live in the same country? I'm not sure if he's 'gassed' any of his 'own' people, I could be wrong... But hey, the fucker uses electric shock, acid baths, and all sortsof shit... mad:

Second question, Is there any real link between Saddam and Al-Qaeda?

I question this because, Saddam is a sechular dictator right? He doesn't have Religion and the Government as one and the same? Yeah? Al-Qaeda is completely the opposite, they would kill, and do kill people to have the Religious leaders as part of the Government? Haven't Saddam and Al-Qaeda been openly hostile against each other over this issue? If someone can clarify this, with little to no bias, would be appreciated... (Even thought we're talking about two fucked up groups of people)

Just aliitle speculation,
If what I said above is the case, and Al-Qaeda actually attacked and destroyed Iraqi infrastructure and killed Iraqi civilians, before or after Sept. 11, where would the US stand?
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