Thread: MOH rising sun
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Default 03-03-2003, 08:32 PM

OMG!! As I JUST said last night....

umm ya... and if you read two more lines, the IGN thing clearly notes, that EA will give out the info. on the new PC title this Monday.

And I quote "(For PC buffs who loved MOH: Allied Assault, the new version will be announced Monday.)"

And for today's comment dirtected towards the ignorant kids, with the unjustified four letter bombs towards EA, that have taken over and destoyed these once great forums:

You know that means? Oh that's right, all you dip witted, stereotypical early aged adolescents...yes tonight when you go over the gaming sites, the news about the new MoH PC title wil be out. ...that is if you read, which evidently seems to be a difficult task for some of you.
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