03-04-2003, 07:01 AM
Dont get me wrong, I think Iraq is a problem. Any rogue nation (and Iraq IS a rogue nation) that has the will and the way for producing chemical and the real bitch...biological weapons is a serious threat. Iraq IS a serious threat as far as production and selling off of chem/bio weapons goes. You cannot deny that. The choice to go wtih Iraq is pretty much a wise choice (at the moment). NK. hasnt really done anything of serious threat yet, but just the fact that NK. is starting to flex it's arrogant muscles again does warrant closer inspection by NATO/UN and the US. Iraq is just ONE waypoint on a journey to ridding the world of dangerous men. The scary thing is, NK. seem to think the US will attack them after they are done with Iraq....stupid bastards. I dont think even the US is dumb enough to start shit with NK. at this point in time. I'm all for "diplomatic solutions" with NK. A military engagement with NK. could very well spell doom for us all.