Originally Posted by "Sniper Wolf [USAR
":0b8ff]Your a complete moron....
What I said is
"Well hope you guys like what ya hear, and lemme say one thing, Our MOD wont have as many BUGS and ERRORS as MOHAA, we will have anti-cheat programs, and tech support. Plus this is free heh why should we give you shit? lol j/k "
read it retard.
People like you try to twist peoples words to make them look bad becuase it makes you feel good about your pathetic life. Grow up, its people like you who make this community look bad and ruin a good game.
fuck you asshole, this is what you are doing:
1) come up with an idea. it does not have to be new, original, legal, or even remotely possible.
2) make a shitty website, explaining your mod. make sure to list things that you will never be able to do, because it doesn't matter. you don't have to have talent, or the urge to learn how to do edit. you're the project leader!
3) since you're the project leader, you need underlings to do your work. they might have talent, but again, this doesn't matter. in fact, this step is purely optional! get members by advertising your wonderful pipedream mod everywhere possible!
4) . . .
5) there is no step five, because you will never get here. ever. no total conversion ever does.[/quote:0b8ff]
How old are you 10?
Let me sit down and talk to you for a second. Unlike you, I can do something, I can model, I run a clan and a TC mod. I am a Sergeant in ROTC and I have many ribbons and insignias for my uniform. I have infantry combat cords that go on my shoulder for competing in events at drill meets. I am on the Drill team. What do you do? Sit around here and flame people? Have no JOB? Have no LIFE? Have notthing to do but sit here show your ass to everyone and show how pathetic you are? Seems to me thats what your doing, and that seems to be the only thing your good at. See the modeling part of this mod I dont need jack shit from anyone I can do it all myself. But that would take a while. It gives the community a chance to help out in doing something for the benefit of a game. It gives people a chance to turn a game that has gone BAD by people many like youself, into something wonderful.
But you wouldnt know anything about that would you? See I dont have patients with people like you, and If I were one of the admins, I would ban you and many people like youself. People like you are the ones who ruined this game for many. People like you never want to get off your lazy fat ass and help out anywhere. I bet if your parents asked you to take out the trash you would curse at them and tell them to do it their damn self because your probaly a fat lazy low life slob that no one wants anything to do with. Yea I play games and have fun with people online alot, but I also have a life. I do things around the house, I do things at school, I get interactive with things. At least I have something to show for what I do, unlike you....oh wait you have that fat gut to show for you.
Now, Keep flaming all you want it will get you no where. If I have to, I will get joe or rude to close/sticky one of my threads for a while so people can see it and not have n00bs like you ruine the thread.
As for the others who are nice and dont flame and want to help. Down to business. Please ignore that loser.
snipeymagoo: No it doesnt mean skinning, that is getting information such as pictures and references. For the floor plans, that is getting historical maps, and making floor plans for our maps out of the historical maps and information. The weapons you need to get specs for them, and angle views of the weapons.
Old Reliable: Thats pretty much what I was thinking of doing, but altering it a little so they wont whine about it lol.
Sgt Stryker: That would be awsome, the more researchers we can get right now, the sooner we can begin actual work heh.
A HUNGRY FATMAN: No prob, we have been working but underground heh. We tend to stay to ourselves. Coming outta the closet now lol. And if you can do translation or speaking, hey you could help!
eagel sniper: No thanks we need litterate people. We cant have imature people who cant spell and act like a child in our mod.