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Default 03-04-2003, 03:19 PM

I am a good mapper that is learning everyday how tyo modify mohaa. I have learned howto map, script most animations in the game, custom texture, program bots(that aren't stupid) i.e. planes,death of a soldier, speech,etc.
I may have a handle on things, but I am FAR from being the best at what I do. I get ripped into sometimes. But I stopped caring. People that want to play what I make can play it. Those that don't can go screw them selves with a concrete dildo. That is my philosphy.
I like Enemy At the Gates. I am huge fan of Vassili Zaitsev and the battle of Stalingrad considering that was a key end point in the war. Even if your mod didn't turn out great, it would only be because there weren't enough talented mappers, scriptors, designers, etc to take the load, not because you didn't try or put an effort into it.
I'm sure it will turn out awesome. cool:
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