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Default 03-04-2003, 06:31 PM

Ok what's with you and all the "fuck" statment in all your post. Let me give you an example: Fuck this, fuck that, fuck life casue someone is gonna fuck it over any-fucking-way...trendy isn't it? I mean the F-word is intented to add something to your post, but not once I ever seen you use it in a justified manner. Do you think that just because you used the word "fuck" over the pussy word "screw" that you have made yourself a hardcore rebel? Has it made your cool, maybe even down right hip? Has it made you "Da Man"...bothra? I think not. So stop saying the word when it is not needed to help bring out the point of your post!

Anyway... I'm really looking forward to this new MoH game. Sure there are some let downs here, the big one being the use of Quake III engine, but I still think MoH: PA well be a great game for WWII buffs and FPS fans! ...of coruse time will tell. My mind may change if they don't make the MP part of the game, much better. I mean it's ok now, but there is no depth to it compared to the top MP games on the market.
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