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Default 03-04-2003, 11:22 PM

[quote:2673e]I'm thinking about taking some steriods. Not Andro or Creatine, but real roids. I know its probably not good, but I wanna get up to about 230 lbs. I can't do that without the juice. But I've never really taken anything before so I'm not sure...[/quote:2673e]

I will be taking oral steroids very soon: Anavar (strength and muscle gain,
muscle hardener) and Clenbuterol (muscle builder, highly potent fat burner)
will do the trick: no injectables for me! The side-effects on Anavar are little
to none, while there are no side-effects for Clenbuterol, which is why it's legal.

If you need information on steroids, don't hesitate to PM me...
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