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Default 03-05-2003, 12:19 AM

Well, benching doesn't measure anything...lotsa people think it's cool to bench a whole lot. This guy i once knew was on the juice and benched over 600Lbs (i'm not kidding either) He used to slide under parked cars and bench the rear axle for money. Well, this guy is completely bald now and has kidney problems. Wanna fuck with the juice, you'll pay the price later.
As for me, i'm in the 300 club with no juice...all natural. A healthy guy over the age of 18yrs should be able to bench his weight after a short time in the gym. Remember, start slow and try not to injure yourself. (believe me, you'll feel any injuries when you get a lil' older) I was a maniac when i was in my, i smartened up and toned things down a bit.

For all you guys who want those "big" arms, the secret is not curling or bicep excersizes, it's the tricep that makes your arms look like hulk-hogan. Get a good tricep workout (at least once a week....don't over do) and you'll see dramatic results in 3 months. (don't neglect the bicep though)
Remember, with weight training, you'll need a good diet. Skip all the bullshit fastfoods and eat wholesome. Your body is young so set yourself good habits now and it'll be easier to follow once you get older.
All you need is 40 - 45 minute workouts 5 times a week. Work on one body part per session. There's no magic to it, just persistance!!

The world is my urinal
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