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Chronic Diarrhea is Offline
1st Lieutenant
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Join Date: Jun 2002
Default 03-05-2003, 12:26 AM

Yeah, bench press isn't all that hard to increase. I was doing 250 in my 10th grade year before I got injured, all natural.

He's right about the tricep. Unless you are flexing, the tricep is much larger. Just don't break your puny ass bones trying to curl too much weight. evil:

I wanna get so big I look like Brock Lesnar or some shit. Man after my injury I got damn puny as hell, and it pisses me off. It doesn't piss me off because I'm trying to impress anybody, it just makes me mad knowing I used to look decent and now I'm ghey.

Also I'm running track right now, should I quit that so I can build up my weight to 230?
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