03-05-2003, 07:02 AM
The Aktins diet is very safe if done properly: one must know how much
carbohydrate intake is allowable and how much nullifies the diet. Common
sense, really...
[quote:1c9ae]No matter what you know or think you know about steroids, it comes with a price and you'll find out what price when you get older. Go the natural way and you'll be in better shape and it'll last a whole lot longer.[/quote:1c9ae]
Unfortunately, your position on steroids is erroneous. I have no intention
of going in detail about this, but suffice it to say that if you choose your
steroids and cycle correctly, you WILL get the results you so desire, minus
the side-effects people keep referring to because they don't know better.
Arnold was stupid to do steroids for years and years without taking breaks:
I know better. He and others made the mistakes and I learned from them.
Your trainer might have done it the natural way... but I have neither the
time nor the patience to lift for 20 years before my body becomes what I
want it to be NOW: I have no intention of changing my diet and living habits
so drastically as to get the results in 2 or 3 years time; and even THAT is
a very generous approximation.
You will have to excuse me if I sound rude, as I am a bit drunk right now...