Get this thing written up as a proper business plan for a mod
Include timings, project leads and what your role will be. Just because you can't code, doesn't mean you can't be a leader. I couldn't code sh*t, but I know what I wanted to see on the screen, I got the people together to make it happen, the product , on the PC and the Amiga went to No1 in the UK charts. Daaaaamn that was a long time ago
Don't let people talk you out of your dream. Go to EA/2015 , whoever owns the Intellectual property rights, and ask them about a shared profit development licence (you do the graft, they take the cream).
Get in touch with the Enemy at the Gates people, and SELL THEM your idea. If they're willing to help you, then use it. Tell them you DO NOT intend to use characters from the film, but you'd like to use the settings and storyline. Better still, go to the book publishers and talk to them. Armed with this support, go back to EA and 2015.
Next TONE DOWN the amount you "Big Up" EATG. This industry is full of people, banging on about the next best thing that doesn't happen.
There are some developers, who go the right way about it. Ask discretly for coders, say jack, make small constantly updated websites, map screens etc. They BUILD UP the expectation. If you look organised, and know your sh1t, then people will help you.
Get a commercial licence from 2015 to exploit the money angle. You may make a commercially viable mod, and the people who stuck in the hard work, may only end up with a couple of slabs of beer, but they get their name in lights and recognition, which could lead to employment.I don't see any reason why any coder/maper, should put in hard work, in return for fcuk all, apart from getting your name in lights.
The art of leadership, is not getting your men to do what you want, to achieve your personal ambition. The art of leadership, is getting your men, to follow you, in achieving a common goal.
So, start very small, and don't try and build a game by commitee, it won't happen. Get off your butt, download a screenplay generator from the web, and start storyboarding your idea. Once it's storyboarded, send a copy to anyone interested in working with you on this project,(Mappers, coders,2015) it shows commitment on your part. be prepared to have your ideas kicked to pieces. Don't sulk, but take the ideas on board, and implement them. Divide your team into cells. You only need one of each to start. Get the storyboard done, and one small map, using JV's bots for a working copy.
Hope that helps.
Sgt. York
A real British Army NCO (Infantry)