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Default LMAO - 03-05-2003, 01:50 PM

Ok, this is just too funny. Your making a big deal b/c he was kicked out of the mall??
First off, the security guards have every right to ask someone to remove a piece of offensive clothing. Not because he doesn't like it, because he has to protect the people visiting his mall. Something like that can cause a riot and get some people seriously hurt. I applaude the security guard in his sense of duty.
As far as free Speech goes, It is a free country, you can say anything you want, you might get your ass pounded because of it. That is simply because people don't understand. However, if memory comes to serve, most countrys in Europe don't have the right of free speech. Especially in times past lots of people were jailed, and exectued simply b/c they held a political difference with the ruler of their country.
So stop your bashing of the US. You have a problem with us? Thats your problem. If you don't like it here, don't step foot in this country. And I won't have to worry about you breathing our air and polluting this great country with your stench.
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