03-05-2003, 02:29 PM
Ahhh, blackadder. A gem of a british comedy.
Blackadder goes forth was my fav though but it is well worth checking out the other 3 series.
6 episodes in each series. Flash was in Private Plane.
"Mind if i use your phone? If word gets out that im missing 500 girls will kill themselves, and i would want them on my conscience.........not when they ought to be on my face"
* * * *
Flash: "The first this to remember is, always treat your kite like a woman."
Geroge "How do you mean sir? Do you mean take her home at the weekend to meet your mother?"
Flash "No, i mean get inside her 5 times a day and take her to heaven and back"
Blackadder "Im beginning to see why they suffragette movement want the vote"
Flash "Any bird who wants to suffer-a-jet movement gets my vote! Right, thats it, see you in ten minutes for take off."
Blackadder "Hang on, hang on, what about the months of training?"
Flash "hey wet pants, youre not in the Womens Auxiliary Balloon corp now, youre in the twenty minuters"
Capt Darling "Uh, sir, sir"
Flash "Yes, prat at the back"
Darling "I think we'd all be intrigued to know. Why are you called the twenty minuters?"
George "Mr Thicko! Imagine not knowing that!"
Flash "Simple really - the average life expectancy of a new pilot is twenty minutes"
Darling "Aha"
Blackadder "Life expectancy of twenty minutes?"
Flash "Right! gogges on, chock away - last one backs a homo. Hurray!"