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Default 03-05-2003, 04:29 PM

Haha yeah, i feel sorry for the world that has yet to discover Blackadder.

I have the book that contains the Scripts, and some hilarious things made up for the characters, like the Menu in Mrs Miggins Pie shop, and Queen Elizabeths favourite things, and Capt Darlings Application for emergency transfer to somewhere safer, and baldricks school report.

It also has some of Blackadders finest insults. It says who or what they about and then follows with the insult:

Charlie Chaplin: I find his films about as funny as getting an arrow through the neck and then discovering their is a gas bill tied to it.

Bladrick: God made man in his own image, and it would be a sad outlook for christmas if god looked anything like you Baldrick

baldricks acting: The only decent impression he can do is of a man with no talent

Concert parties: Id rather spend an evening on top of a stepladder in no man lands smoking endless cigarettes through an ailluminous balaclava

war: A war hasnt been fought this badly since olaf the hairy high cheif of all the vikings accidendtly ordered 80000 battle helmets with the horns on the inside.

to name a few biggrin:

well worth getting the book cool:
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