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Default 01-09-2002, 03:17 AM

The sad fact of cheating paranoia (whether accurate or not) is that somewhere along the lines people will lose judgement of who is really cheating and who is just better than you.

I notice a few players accuse of cheating habitually when they are beaten, and I also notice on this thread a couple of players who have been kicked/banned because they had a good run and got accused of cheating.

If I ever get kicked because I'm suspected of cheating, then it's their loss. I won't play on that server again.

This God-mode cheat seems easy enough to check on. If someone is suspected of using it, go into spec mode and watch them play for a few rounds. Have blood mode on to be sure.

When they get hit, do they lose health, or do they suddenly gain health without having run over a health pack?

Pretty easy really.

Aimbots aren't too hard to spot through spectator, either, as the two aimbots I have seen (both through demos of another player using one) show clearly that the crosshair follows targets whether you can see them or not.

It's a dead give-away to see the player aiming at a wall, follow it to the end and see a target magically appear there. Consistently.

It's different from that same player hearing his enemy coming first and waiting with his crosshair at the corner for them to stick their head out. You don't have to hear a target to know they are coming either, you could have seen them go in one way, which means that eventually they will come out another.

Some people are clever enough to work this out through experience. Then again some others are equally clever and don't do the expected. It depends how you look at it.

Same goes for wall-hacking.

Snap-to-target over 100 degrees to a target you didn't previously see is also a dead give-away.

It's slightly different from flick-shooting, which is just spinning the mouse about fast to aim at a target. A bit like guessing with style, only if you practice it you can get quite good at it.

You still need to be aware of your target though. Aimbots take away the need for this awareness.

Usually, someone who cheats is a crap player and sticks out like a sore thumb, anyway.

All these cheats can be spotted in spec mode.

I've still yet to see one being used though.

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