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Default 01-24-2002, 09:34 AM

I just got off a server where two ppl out of about 20 were most definately cheating. They were using god mode. It is so obvious when they take multiple rockets in the face etc. & don't die. I was giving the server admin a hard time telling him to turn cheats off. He asked me how & shiat, I didn't know what to tell him.. :

Surely there's a way to turn this crap off in the console isn't there?

I was doing some searching here on the web on this machine while I was still on the server so I could help him out, & found sv_cheats 0, but he tried it & it didnt seem to work.

If there is a command to do it what is it?

set sv_cheats 0?
seta sv_cheats 0?

I cannot believe there isnt a way. 2015 really fked up here bigtime if there isnt. If they're working on a patch, put a little one out asap to stop this shiit!!!

btw, these lamer's names were "god" & "undead_immortal". I'm sure they were too cowardly to be using their real nicks though..

Just had to get it off my chest... It was a good server too other than that, wasnt dedicated but I'm not shittting the guy had over 20 people on there with hardly any lag.. Which is refreshing... What a shame.. Cheats..


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