03-05-2003, 10:21 PM
dude i dont think that is possible lol, its a hella funny idea. but yeah u would get condensation cuz there is always water n' shit in my fridge. I wouldnt risk it even tho most parts of a comp are supposed to be water proof. u know u can dump a monitor in alcohol and it wont do shit to it? =). the most i would do is that liquid cool thing but i dunno even bout that. maybe you should try and get a hose like u said and find some way to direct the air all the way to the CPU or just direct it into the case for some cold air. i think that might be something worth trying that would be a lot more safe then putting your motherboard into a refridgerator =|. well with whatever u do good luck man. o yeah do u think you could please change my name to Himmler cuz i dont like TheReich anymore plz if you could plz do it real fast sometime soon...thanks. =)