03-06-2003, 01:17 AM
[quote="Old Reliable"]the only time the world would stop and notice canada if they discontinued the lumber industry[quote]
Damn, I have been lectured on this one before.
The evils of canadian lumber 101, an american perspective:
Canadian lumber is good for canada, bad for america.
It is good for cold, dry climates, bad for hot, wet climates. It withers in the heat like any canadian does. But seeing as much of the growth is in the hot wet south, thats where the cheap lumber goes.
Why cheap? Because it is subsidised by the canadian government. Canada can sell their lumber in the US for cheaper than the US can produce thier own. Good for canada if you dont mind welfare or socialism, bad for US.
Long story short, US puts tariff in place, canadians upset, say its unfair, but conveniently forget that canada was unfair first.
I am sure that the canadian perspective is different. If anyone would like to correct me, please do.