Originally Posted by TheReich
Originally Posted by Tripper
Originally Posted by TheReich
lol...this is pathetic man... eek:
You actually ARE pathetic - Dictionary meaning of pathetic.
if im the pathetic one, then why are u the one that sits at your computer day in and just sitting here waiting for people to reply to a topic? ur just a fuckin comp nerd and u are teh pathetic one. maybe one day u should try to go out and get some pussy u loser
ROFL......What a FUCKFACE!
I go out at least twice a week....You're 13, a sleepover isn't going out. So you shut your fucking face uncle-fucker, until you reach at least 17.
Go out and get pussy? Dude - Sleeping in your mom's bed because you had a nightmare, and accidently touching her boobs, is NOT 'getting pussy.'
So maybe in a year when you can jerk-off, some nickle-night hooker, will touch your piece for you....Then we could just pretend you actually got pussy.
And I don't sit here all day. I have a life in reality too, as I said to Old Retardable...Something you are just WISHING you had. Only people that pull the 'life' card during internet arguments are the true 'losers.'
You're pathetic mainly becaused you have a touch of gheyness in your grammar.