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Hannover is Offline
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Join Date: Jan 2002
Default 01-08-2002, 02:57 AM

I tried playing Multiplayer Wolfenstein last night for the first time in a long time, and I must say it was an odd experience that I will not be repeating. After playing MOHAA, Wolfenstein's character running speed feels insanely fast without even sprinting. I felt like Carl Lewis with a Tommy gun.

As far as graphics are concerned, RTCW runs much smoother for me and looks better, texture and lighting-wise. Now, as far as level design is concerned, I think I'll have to give the nod to MOHAA. It feels more "real" than the fantasy castle land that RTCW presents. Of course, this is really just silly conjecture on my part, because the full version of MOHAA hasn't been released. How can I possibly compare them at this point? Even when they are released, I'm not going to waste too much time comparing them. I am done with RTCW anyway, so there! It's MOHAA and Ghost Recon from this point on!

As far as multiplayer smoothness, again it has been my experience that RTCW is much better. I continue to get annoying slowdown in multiplayer MOHAA games when I am in a close-quarters, stafing/moving firefight. It really starts to chug, and to me it feels like game graphics engine slowdown. Dropping to 800x600 from 1024x768 seemed to help. I may be wrong, but I need to try it on a LAN for further proof.

I suppose I could upgrade my Athlon 1.33/Radeon 8500 box, but I don't think I'd be getting too much of a boost.

I'll wait for the full version to cast my final vote on team AI, but I *can* say that my Ghost Recon AI buddies seem smarter. They'll go prone as you go prone, and they won't turn their backs to the enemy to face you and just stare at you for no reason.

If they had just implemented prone in multiplayer (at least), allowed you to prime grenades, and tweaked weapon damage values/behaviour a bit, I would be really excited right now. I am not *really* excited, but I am anxious to get the full version. I have high hopes that the mod community can really take this game to new heights.


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