01-08-2002, 10:17 AM
I think MOH is one of the more realistic games out there....
About that running-slow comment... The guys are carrying a 50lb backpack on, and wearing 3 layers of army cloking... of course your gonna run slow!
The AI to me is really well done... I mean common!.. any game where the enemy would through himself onto a grenade to protect his pals get 10/10 in my book!
The graphics... Do i need to say anything about them? There great... really well done.. and the textures.. nice!
The Gameplay... They made this game as close to WWII as they could while still making it very fun! If they made it any more life like it would have taken the fun away form the gameplay...
To me this game is great... Being a fan of the other MOH titles, this one is, to me, the next Half Life!!