Hello fellow Medal of Honor gamers. We are looking for a few good men and women to join our new clan **B-A**. We have simple criteria and that is that you just damn enjoy having fun and killing a few people here and there

So, if you have a positive attitude, aren't a prick, have a broadband connection (CABLE, ADSL) and have some team as well as indivdual skills and enjoy playing with fun guys and gals (one gal so far, but she's damn good) then e-mail us at
bianchi_assassini@hotmail.com or icq myself (icq#45990212) or RunnuR (icq#66167239) and let us know. Web site and forum within the next few weeks. I know I've played with some of you and look forward to playing with most of you. Seeya guys
**B-A** VaL VeNiS(Canada)