Originally Posted by TheReich
if u think im leaving then u can think again. did i say that only if u get drunk/stoned then that is the only way to be kool? no, i specifically said for and for all u non-smokers, and n0n-drinkers, next time read my whole fucking post. and maybe u dont like gettin drunk with FRIENDS and doing funny shit, not kicking innocent ppls asses just runnin around goofin off is, fun but I do. so go do ur own thing while i do mine. my life aint none of ur fucking business. im not talking about getting piss drunk till when u cant walk and u throw up every 2 minutes either. just having a couple of beers with friends and maybe be shot or 2. damn you fucking people are so dumb. do u reallly think it hurts me when someone insults me in a thread on some forum? uh not really. and yeah, it is too much trouble to type yo in front of u or ur. so go have a beer, smoke some pot, do whatever the fuck u want i dont give a fuck. just like i said, dont drink/smoke to much or else ur night and possibly urs or someone elses life could be ruined. im not fucking stupid u b00n.
if being insulted on a forum doesn't hurt you, why did you bother writing all that?