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Default 03-07-2003, 06:01 PM

Weapons used by the 101st [506th] paratroopers:

M1 garand
M1 carbine (with folding stock only)
60mm mortar
81mm mortar
LMG Browning M1919-A4 .30 cal Machinegun
and of course, garmon grenades, frag grenades, boot knifes, and the M1911A1 Pistol.

If you want to go by what really happened and use the series as hisotrical referance, then your a fool.
The answer is No, the BAR was not standard issue to the paratroopers, nor was the M3A1 (Greasegun) as seen in the series.
One does need to consider that mogority of the time fighting, and recieving replacements they had never jumped, and issued weapons might have changed.

People keep asking me if we will be adding the flamethrower to the BoB MOD.
Heh, I dont think many jumped out of a plane with a flamethrower straped to there back.
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