03-08-2003, 10:12 AM
biggrin: For some reason I found that funny. Where the hell is everybody? Probably piss drunk, but I stayed up until 2:30 and I'm still here! Fuck yeah, I am a devoted AA.com team player! And yes I stay up until 2:30 because I am a big kid and if I go to bed any earlier I pee my pants and have dreams about having hot steamy sex with Janet Reno while the diseased corpse of Timothy McVeigh stands there and watches while Christoper Lowell shoves a toilet plunger up his ass while winnerkid13 talks about hanging out with his online buddies to have cyber sex with them while Darth Vader brings a keg of beer to the party while Richard Gere sits in a chair drinking a nice hefty glass of battery acid while Winona Ryder steals my clothes that are lying on the bed.