Originally Posted by "[1st
Maj.Sclass12":5ed28]youre right, a rifle nade or mortar took out the first sniper
Nope, the first sniper they encounter was in carentan i believe, hes sniping from a set of metal stairs and shifty spots him and kills him with the m1 garand. Second sniper is in bastogne i think, hes sniping from the top floor of a house and shifty gets him with the m1 while the other guys running to distract the sniper.[/quote:5ed28]
No, i mean the first sniper in i think "The Breaking Point". When Lt.Dyke (tee hee) had a nrevous breakdown on the attack, and SPiers ran lal the way to 1st Battalion and then came back, etc etc. There was one sniper, which was killed by a mortar or rifle nade, then the second one, Lipton distracted him while Shifty killed him