03-09-2003, 04:50 PM
Here's just a few questions to answer.
1) As Wookie said, I am not an admin, and cannot delete user accounts. Therefore, I didn't ban/delete anyone from AA.COM. The only thing I did do last night was lock posts that were going nowhere, or were about other members, and deleted any porno pics you guys were posting.
2) Everyone that WAS banned, obviously was done from BadScript, as Wookie has no idea why they were banned. The only thing I wrote Wookie about was Trippers cursing in his sig, Anti posting porn, and Judas posting some shit too, I forgot what. Everyone else, Including Strik0r, I have no idea why was banned. Don't believe me? Ask Wookie.
3) I could give 2 shits about what any of you think of me, the mods or anyone else on these forums. These forums have rules, and if you want to break them on your own time, then I will delete your posts and lock them on my own time. End of story.
4) Noctis, I posted to you that I didn't know what happened to Strik0rs account, and told you I had to lock the thread because people were posting shit in it that didn't belong. I didn't lock it because you were posting about him.