03-09-2003, 10:03 PM
[quote:6c4fd]not for long it's not[/quote:6c4fd]
ok... here is what stryk0r wanted me to post for him, since he is banned
here it is
1: deletion during one of joe's spam sprees
2: badscript isn't hidden from who's online
3: badscript would ban, joe deleted the username because he is obsessed with being #1 in post counts. strik0r was obviously too much for him and a ban could be lifted
4: this is badscript we're talking about, you honestly think he comes out of his hole at the exact same time joe finially had enough of strik0r? conveinent, isn't it?
joe obviously had admin status on either his account or another account he uses for these things
joe isn't doing a good job at covering his tracks. he assumed wookie would cover for him, or support him. he might have even figured we would believe BADSCRIPT actually did someting. what he did not figure was the outrage from the vet community over his selfish, childish actions.
strik0r is joe's #1 enemy, neither party makes any secret of that. we have hackers and plenty of dumb n00b spammers who deserve bans and break rules more than anyone else on here, yet strik0r gets deleted. if anyone has any doubt it was joe, then perhaps they should sit down and think about it.