03-10-2003, 04:44 AM
Actually, I never locked this thread. Must have been BS again.
Understand this though guys. I'm not going to stick my neck out for you again. To act like you did WAS childish (and Noctis, I have no doubt that you have forfeited any chance of being the MMS updater). I support Joe with all that he does here, most of the stuff he does lock was certainly in need of it. Undertand this, I've been looking and looking and Joe, as far as I can tell had nothing to do with any of this. If you want to scream at someone, scream at BS. You know I didnt do this, you know I dislike what has happened, but dont ask me to go behind BS's back anymore by unbanning people he banned. I wont do it anymore. The only reason I did unban the people (or atleast a few...I know I didnt unban everyone but they seem to be here again) was because most of you guys didnt really deserve it from the reports I've heard, then again, there's reports that say you all deserved exactly what you got. Make of that what you will. Alot of people think you've all been acting like a bunch of little pussies.
No more shit from any of you. You know BS is around now, you know he is watching, and he WILL obviously piss you off if he feels like it. There ARE rules for you to follow and abide by, and badshitter, you're gone, the first chance I get. Your input is not needed, nor wanted. I dont care who you are, or what you say. You're exacerbating the situation, and it doesnt need more trouble. Goodbye.
I will listen to requests/idea's from you all too see if we can rectify this situation. I want nothing more than for us to have fun, but you guys have got to have fun within the boundries we set. It's that simple.