Originally Posted by Gerard
Originally Posted by N0V4
Originally Posted by Star85
I with Strik0r on that one
Him English good speak yes.
Originally Posted by cashwarsplaya
give xbox a few more months, and it WILL rule the world. Xbox live kick ass (obviously bwecause ps2 is now trying to imitate it) and i love my xbox.
XboX is teh suXx0r:
1. Because Microsoft is involved in it.
2. Because Bill Gates has one, and that means that i dont want it.
Oh and i suppose because your pc is running windows a MICROSOFT product, that must also mean your pc is "teh suxor". oOo:
Linux. No microsoft products ANYWHERE on that machine.
But i'm afraid to say that my other PC has windows on it because i have to play AA.............. and i cant really get it working on Linux. But i only use that computer to play AA and that is all. I havent even got office or that evil shit on there. So cram it.