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TrenD*KilleR is Offline
Posts: 35
Join Date: Jan 2002
Location: Tennessee
Default 01-08-2002, 10:31 AM

Is there a console command to turn off player bobbing like in quake 3 or any quake engine game..
ex. cg_bobroll, cl_bobup...some ppl get motion sickness from this being on, I just prefer to play w/out all the bobbing, and MOH-AA bobbing seems a bit overkill for my tastes..I know its for realism but when I walk I dont bob around and sway that bad(maybe if I weighed 450 lbs.), also can the compass be disabled, and the death messages that show up---the messages take up a lot of screen space that sometimes be very annoying when looking for enemies or in a firefight it can block your FOV..Thanks
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