01-09-2002, 05:12 AM
Mustang AMD k6 with any speed cpu will run crappy for Half-Life, let alone MOH, and MoH is much more processor intensive. K6 processors are equal to their equivalent Pentium 1 processors.
That says it all. You really need to upgrade processor (I did, from my old k6-2 350 Mhz to a Duron 700 and noticed an imediate improvement, although even my Duron is too slow for MoH).
Blunt, 128mb ram isn't ideal for this game, so perhaps you could add some memory, might help your lag a little.
Other-wise I can only think it's the server you are connecting to. What pings do you usually get?
If you get under 100 ping, then it's likely your FPS that is slow.
To check FPS input '+set ui_console 1' into the cmd line for your MoH shortcut icon properties, then when in game enter fps 1 into the console.
This will show you how many frames per second your pc is running at during game.
If this number is yellow or red it is below ideal speed (ie under 25 or 15 frames per second).
If that's the case I can only assume you need more memory. If this is fine but your lag is over 100 ping then it would be your cable connection playing up, or a crappy server.
That's all I can offer to help, sorry =/