Disk cleanup problem -
03-11-2003, 09:20 PM
ok.. every now and then, I do Disk cleanup for Drive C
but this time it's not working.. when I click on it, its starts loading and then just freezes and doesnt load anymore, but it still appears on my screen...I click cancle and then my computer suddenly goes ALOT slowly than usual. I went to clcik on it agian, but this time it doesnt load...I restarted my comp, and tried again this time I left it for it to laod, and i fell asleep for about 4 hours,and when I woke up, it still didnt do anything...anyone know the problem and how to fix it? could it be something I saved off the net, such as pics, cuz thats wht i did recently and now this problem has occured,
here is a better Idea of what im referring too.
the loading bar does not load anymore than those three loading blocks.