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Tiwaz is Offline
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Default 03-12-2003, 07:22 AM

In the MoHAA main menu, go to the options menu. Go to advanced options. Cross 'console' (upper right).

You can now open the console from anywhere in the game by pressing the tilde (~) key.

Binding keys to voice taunts goes like this: In the console, type:

bind x "say *np"

This will bind key x to voice command np, n and p being integers, corresponding to the taunt menu structure.

Example: pressing v, 1, 3 in the game = Yes, Sir! You want to bind this taunt to the 'q' key.

In the console, type:

bind q "say *13"

Remember, non-character keys like backspace should be typed in capitals: BACKSPACE, HOME, UPARROW, etc.

You could also have searched this forum, it's not hard to find. But I have a day off, and have nothing better to do, today...
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