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they dont work
[FS] jersey-Joe is Offline
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Default they dont work - 03-12-2003, 01:09 PM

none of the anticheat programs really work they only catch the dumb cheaters, Not one of this programs detect the opengl cheats nor do they detect the modifed stock skins there isnt anything the cheaters have not cracked so they still can cheat and if you look for proof of them cheating you wont be able to find it, because they have worked around all of these programs even forced screen shots dont work all they do is hit a key and poof their SS shows as clean. Here are the cheats i know of that they have hacked so you cant detect it

glowing stock skins they show up as the real stock skins

forced SS they all ready have a hack to stop you from forcing a SS they then take a safe SS to send to you

wall hacks are now opengl cheats no program detects them

no fog is now a opengl cheat you cant detect it

no bushs is now a opengl cheat u cant detect it

not one anti cheat program detects this cheats none of them do they have made hacks to fool every1 of these programs
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