03-13-2003, 06:32 AM
I used to have a similar configuration (Athlon 1.2 / GeForce 2 MX 32 MB). Very bad FPS. Especially in multiplayer online. This card is simply not very good. FPS wasn't as bad as yours though.
I had like 10-15 FPS on crossroads with a few opponents, firing (1024*768, medium detail). That is not enough.
If your system seems to runs fine except for games/MoHAA, maybe you could try to uninstall/reinstall the latest nVidia drivers, and I should disable anti-aliasing and level 1 anisotropy (=off). These two are real performance killers, especially with MX cards.
You can turn these things off with, for example, [url=http://www.guru3d.com/rivatuner/:274ed]RivaTuner[/url:274ed]
Are you sure not too many programs run in the background? Press Ctrl-Alt-Del to see what's running. You can prevent programs from being started while starting Windows by running msconfig in Start->Run...