03-13-2003, 08:34 AM
This one is sick...and f*cked up...
I was having a dream I was having sex with this wicked hot chick in a hallway...and we were all frisky and stuff...then I went to make out with her and as I was kissing I opened my eyes only to realize she was dead...and looked like she was floating in the water for a few days...I woke up from that dream and had a nasty taste in my mouth...and seriously...everytime I think of it...it makes me sick...
And another...
I had this one for about 2 months on and off...where I would be in a tropical forrest, and its dark out...and I come creeping to a bamboo tower type thing...im thinking it was a dream about Vietnam because after a few seconds...I get attacked from behind by 2 people speaking jibberish (Vietnamese?)...and I fall down...and everything goes black...the end
Dreams are very odd...lol