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Server bot showing on ASE
Snake_den is Offline
Junior Member
Posts: 6
Join Date: Feb 2003
Default Server bot showing on ASE - 03-13-2003, 02:27 PM

HI, I am having problems with my new server. I can see it in the browser and on Gamespy but I can not see it on ASE.
I think I am missing a line in my CFG that allows it to be seen in ASE.

Please Assist
Thank you

sv_hostname "Snake Den"
Admin "Snakebite"
g_motd "Welcome to the Snake Den"
//URL ""
Email ""
Location "Rhode Island"
Connection "cable"
seta rconpassword "XXXX"
sv_maxclients "20"
sv_privateclients "5"
private password "XXXX"
// gamet type 1=FFA 2=Teammatch 3=roundbased 4=objective
g_gametype 2
sv_minping "0"
sv_maxping "200"
sv_pure 0
sv_floodProtect 1
sv_flood_waitdelay 10
sv_flood_persecond 4
sv_flood_msg 4
g_teamdamage "1"
g_inactiveSpectate "120"
g_inactiveKick "300"
sv_maxrate "9000"
sv_fps "20"
sv_allowDownload "0"
timelimit "25"
fraglimit "0"
net_niopx "1"

set sv_gamespy "1"
set ui_dedicated "1"
set dedicated "1"
set sv_master1 ""
set sv_master2 ""
set net_port 12203

sv_maplist "dm/southern_france_2_final dm/deadendstreet dm/mohdm2 dm/grabstatte dm/mohdm7 dm/buzzbomb_raiders"

// starting map when launched
map "dm/southern_france_2_final"