03-13-2003, 09:43 PM
I had one after I saw SPR couple years ago where I was figthing on D-Day, and i got out of the boat, and was running up the beach when POW! A bullet rips through the left side of my head, but i dont die. I feel this horrible feeling, and a medic comes over to me and starts screaming "Stay with me! Oh God, stay alive!" and at that point he is killed. Then an artillery shell lands on top of me, waking me up. Quite scary.
Also, shortly after 9/11, i kept getting dreams where either i was blown up by a suicide bomber, I was in the WTC towers, or some other terrorist attack.
A sad one I had was the night my dog almost got hit by a car, i was skateboarding outside and then I hear a screeching halt and a dog yelp. I run to the street, and then i see...her...my sweet Dolly lying there...dead cry: I then immediatly wake up and im crying! I never wuld like that to happen to any of my dogs cry: