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Default 03-13-2003, 10:17 PM

Ok, throughout my childhood, I SWEAR everynight I had this nightmare.

I'm not sure what movie it is called.. but it was something like "chucky", but it was a "dummy" and he came to life. The kid who owned it was basically be held hostage by this dummy, who was looking for him in the house... his parents didn't believe him at first so the kid hung the dummy by a cord in the middle of his room, trying to hold him down, but he eventually gets lose and he is hides in the closet or some shit. Days later, the parents went out for the night and the kid is alone, with that little dummy in the closet... the phone rings and it wakes the dummy and then it does some wierd shit.. forgot the rest of it

Every since then, I had nightmares about that little bastard.. and I was frightened to the point where I didn't want to go to sleep at all.

Then came the movie Stephen Kings "It". I swear I have this fear of clowns... god I hate them.

Anyone know what movie that is?
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