Thread: Hypocritical?
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Default Hypocritical? - 03-14-2003, 04:40 AM

Don't you guys think you may be going alittle far with these anti-anti war protests...

My point is this, There are thousands of World War Two, Korea, and Vietnam Veterans, who have been opposed to war in the Gulf, and like a shitload of other people, have taken to the streets to voice their feelings...

Haven't they fucking earned this right? Some of you guys should watch your fucking mouths if your fucked up generalisations of groups of people... For you to reduce these people to the level of gutter-trash with your foul mouths really shits me...

"Kill em all!", "If they give the returning vets shit, I'll shoot em all"

Can you guys be alittle more hypocritical? I mean shit, wake up to yourselves...

I am pro-war. Saddam must be removed from power, but some of you guys are a fucking joke...
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