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Default 03-14-2003, 05:13 PM

I absolutely see your point in the use of encircling the mote. My argument that taking Sadam's crown jewel and the siege of Stalin's namesake are as follows:

-first the assumption that a prolific air campagin is used by US as publicly stated parallels the used of von Richthofen's Stukas and the first few days of the beginnings of the siege.

-Russian civillians were not evacuated but most were mobilized into fighting units. This parallels the deployment of weapons the Iraqi regime has undertook in the past few days as well as not letting any Iraqi civillians to leave the city (stated in the press as branded a traitor; also parallels the Stalinist regime's use of Comissars at the beginning of the Stalingrad campaign.

-street to street fighting...nuff said

Now i dont see the hardline Iraqis just giving up? Would you? Im sure they will have someone reporting back to the Intelligence minister on moral and then the killing of supposed "traitors" will take place....drawing another parralel with the Stalin Regime and campaign of Stalingrad...

The German troops were not prepared for the urban fighting and "loathed house to house fighting." You think the US will be able to stroll down the will be house to house combat BUT the US has taken steps to prepare for this type of warfare...MOUT as an example...

I think i have provided enough "clarification" why I think it will be similair to Stalingrad and drew the parallels for all to see...I just hope it doesnt come to this style of fighting. Alot of death....
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