Originally Posted by SoLiDUS
I see the world exactly the way it is, unlike many here who live in a black
and white dreamworld. You had no issues with Saddam 3 years ago; were
you not going on with your life, the way typical people do ? Only recently
has it been jammed down your throat that "this terrible tyrant" must be
removed. Tell me, were you really concerned about these issues 3 years
ago ? How much importance did they really hold in your life, until 9/11 ?
That goes for everyone else... be honest. Perhaps I'm the heartless one
here, hrmm ? Let's find out...
Perhaps because we now have a President who's interested in the relativity of the UN? What has the organization come to if it does not enforce its resolutions? Perhaps Iraq might not be able to strike the US, perhaps not. But the outcomes of this conflict will effect future situations in which the UN will be forced to stand up for its actions.