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11 Bravo is Offline
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Default 03-15-2003, 05:08 AM

Thats the last thing I'm worried about. They WILL find weapons. It's just a matter of finding them out there buried under the desert, in garages, bunkers, trailers, basements, you name it. With no more restraints from Saddam, we will be free to look just about anywhere in the country for them. None of this bull, "Oh, today the inspectors can only look over there!". Plus, a lot of people don't realize it's not all about the weapons. As of now, the Iraqi People are tortured and oppressed. They are crying out for our help! For God's Sake, a dozen of their regular army already tried to surrender to British Forces out on patrol the other day. They can't wait to get out from under Saddam's stranglehold. I'd say 75% or more of the Reg. Army will surrender in the first few days of fighting. The only one's left will probably be the Republican Guard and very few other small groups.
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